Odisha Plot Details by Unique Plot ID

You can now easily access and obtain detailed information about plots in Odisha by simply entering the Unique Plot ID on this portal. This feature allows you to navigate the vast database of plot details with comfort, giving you a thorough understanding of each plot’s Area and other details.

SubjectPlot Details using Unique Plot ID
PortalBhulekh Odisha

Search Plot Details by Unique Plot ID

To search for Plot Details through your Unique Plot ID, enter your Unique Plot ID and click View Plot Details after that Plot Information will show up on the display.

Bhulekh Odisha View Plot Details by Plot Unique ID
and Search Plot Unique ID

If you do not know your Unique Plot ID, you can find it by selecting District, Tahasil, Village, Khatian, and Plot. After you enter these details, click the Search button to obtain your plot’s Unique Plot ID.

View Plot Details by using Plot Unique ID

Important Links

BhuNaksha Odisha (Village Map)Search Plot Details (RoR)
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